Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hibernating mode a little...

Hopefully not for too long!! 
But ive been exhausted lately :/

For sure my mind did not rest!!
I have been dreaming of watercolors, which is the only media that I havent explore yet =P I think it will be fun!!

I just planned my trip to Peru in less than 2 months!! I will go with my mon this time and travel to the north to visit her side of the family!!! Can't wait!!! Maybe we will bond a little, it feels like we aren't as close as we use to be :/ weird!
Then I think I might go to Cusco and visit Hayleyyyy!! My gringa!!! :D I am really hoping someone wants to join if not ill go solo =P.

So before my hibernation of February.... I got some Inka Bohemuan necklaces done and ready for sale!!
This time I used my Sony Cibershot camera, instead of my iPod. The pictures came soooo much better that I dare myself to be lazy and use my blurry iPod lense :O.

In this pictures I did not use filters :).
The true colors of the Inka Bohemian just make me sight!! Soooo beautiful!!!

Have a great Sunday!!
Joey and I have some catching up to do on "Game of thrones" season 3!!!! =D =O
We finally got the netflix DVDs!! Yayyyy!!!

Alicia {Spicyheart}

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